Thursday, February 22, 2007

10 Favorite Things...

Alot of people have lists. Lists of their favorite things, lists of their worst things, Lists and lists and lists. I find lists very therapuetic. They help me focus and put things in perspective. So here I am sharing a list of my 10 favorite things...
here goes:

  1. Winter in Bahrain: I just love the amazing coolness of winter in Bahrain. You don't exactly freeze to death but its cool enough to be at home, under your favorite "burnoos" (blanket) with a hot cup of chai-7aleeb (tea with milk).
  2. Stickers: I love stickers, I just do. I'm 28, a mother of two, but I still drool over stickers. Call it notalgia to childhood, call it inferiority complex, call it whatever, I still collect them and decorate with them.
  3. Tiramisu: The most amazing dessert of all times. I love making it and eating it. My kids love it too!!!
  4. Earings: Loads of earings, I love wearing 'em. especially the dangly ones.
  5. Cards: Giving and receiving and even making my own. I love cards. They are a beautiful expression of affection.
  6. Rock Music: Nickleback, Pearl Jam, Metallica, Alanis Morisette, are my favorite rock bands. Love 'em. Music in general soothes me, I love songs that have rich lyrics.
  7. Cooking: Its so fulfiling. To stand before the stove and mix stuff together, and viola! you have a meal!
  8. Gold: I realized I'm a Gold girl, not diamonds or silver. I love wearing small gold ornaments!!! And Bahrain is famous for its pure and strictly monitored Gold production. Bahraini Gold is sought the worldover. If you love Gold too, you have got to visit the Gold souq in Manama.
  9. Chocolate: give me mud covered in chocolate and I would eat it. I just love the way it makes me feel. Warm inside...
  10. Shopping: especially buying plates and cups and vases and photo frames and clothes and everything. simply, shopping...

Come up with your own lists, they really do put things in perspective. Love to hear from you guys...



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