Tuesday, March 25, 2008

On blogging and the world around me

I've been wondering lately about my blog...

What do I really want to say to the world?

Where is this going?

Should I just delete the blog with one simple click of a mouse?

Can I make a difference in the word, even if in the slightest of chances, to make someone realize the world can be a better place. Maybe not, I'm not that significant, nor my opinions, nor my talents, nor my communications abilities, not that exhilarating, not that breathtaking.

So what should this blog say?

Is it a parenting blog?

Is it a blog of special concerns?

Is it a political views blog?

Is it a feminist blog?

Is it a constuction project blog?


I've been wondering about life as well?

What do I want from life?

Where am I going? Where will I be 10 years from now?

Do I continue to pursue a successful career? or do I want to focus on my family? Can I make that choice?

Its sickening sometimes, to have to go on, or to even have these thoughts. Thoughts of my days becoming cumbersome, rather than looking forward to another day...

I've been feeling depessed, these past few days...

Its tough to balance parenting, a demanding career, construction project, life, and family, and extended family, and courtesies, and on and on and on.... Its suffocating sometimes...

But I have to move on..


Well... after some musing I guess this blog is anything I want it to be,

Any thoughts, fustrations, triumphs, flops, disappointments, celebrations can be spilled out here, that is if I have the chance...
So here's to this blog...
May it be the vent of all emotions that make me human...


Anonymous said...

"May it be the vent of all emotions that make me a human..."

THAT is just enough reason I think :-) keep on blogging...

Ammaro said...

youre searching for a deeper meaning in life. you want to do something, create something, make a difference, make a change. you dont want it to be meaningless, you want something where you feel like you have contributed, you have helped. keep at it, till you find what you want. :)

SoulSearch said...

moonlight, ammaro, thanks for yor encouraging remarks... sure makes my blogging experiance worthwile

Gardens of Sand said...

You blog because you exist. In a way it is a means to let off steam, or share your happiness, sadness, seriousness, playfulness, mundaneness with the world. It is your way of saying to the world, here I am, I exist. And its a great way to keep in touch. I enjoy your blog, reading about your worries, your truimphs. Keep it up!

SoulSearch said...

Thanks GoS. Keep visiting...Waiting for an update on your blog sweetie... Take care,