Thursday, January 17, 2008

Why me?

Why is it when you want something so bad, you only end up getting the opposite of what you wished for?



Ammaro said...

here's a thought for you. how about wishing for exactly the opposite of what you wanted?

i cant help unless you tell us more? but either way, just hold on; its another test that life throws at you

SoulSearch said...

dear ammar, thanks for your comment. its just that things have just been loking right for me, everything going just the way I wanted until one person comes up with a "smart"decision to mess all things up.
I'm really upset at the moment. I need to relax and then I will spill my guts on our blogosphere...
no one knows what I'm going thru, and I can't share it with anyone yet.
Thanks for your words of advice and encouragement,
it means alot to me...

SoulSearch said...
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amal said...

have you read The Secret?
are you pregnant?

SoulSearch said...

hahahaha, yes I have read The Secret, and I think its mostly bs. No I am not pregnant!! but its been hectic...come back to read about whats been bugging me...